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Test how acid rain will affect the seed’s sprout. Instead of the real acid rain, make 5 different concentration sulfuric acids (H2SO4) for this experiment (5 different concentration sulfuric acids + 1 for pure water). For seed, select “white radish sprout” because it does germinate very quickly and also, it’s very cheap and can buy easily at the store. There are 2 main things to watch and record in this experiment. First, does seed sprout in acidic (or very acidic) condition or not, and other point is if seeds germinated, how fast does seeds will grow and how different with various concentration sulfuric acids.
As a result of acid rain, many of the plants were damaged in all over the world. In some serious areas, whole forest died because of the effect of acid rain. So, in this experiment, diluted sulfuric acid will probably affect seed’s sprout in some ways. For example, possibilities that I can think about are that seeds do not sprout. Before it starts to sprout, I think acid will cause the seeds to die. Even if the acid is very diluted, I think it will slow down the growing speed of the seeds. So, this experiment will probably give us the result like this: The high concentrated sulfuric acid will cause more problems compared to the very diluted sulfuric acid.
Examination of the Effects of Acid Rain on Materials.
[ C H E M I S T R Y ]
Test how acid rain will affect the seed's sprout. Instead of the real acid rain, make 5 different concentration sulfuric acids (H2SO4) for this experiment (5 different concentration sulfuric acids + 1 for pure water). For seed, select "white radish sprout" because it does germinate very quickly and also, it's very cheap and can buy easily at the store. There are 2 main things to watch and record in this experiment....