Energy Revolution: A Sustainable Pathway to a Clear Energy Future for Europe |
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A European Energy Scenario for EU-25
Climate change is real and it is happening now; the result of the
greenhouse gases we are pumping into the atmosphere, climate change
impacts our lives and is expected to destroy many natural environments in
the coming years. A rise of the global mean temperature of 2°C or more
above pre-industrial levels would mean a dramatic increase in damage to
ecosystems and disruption to the climate system.Today, we are already
committed to 1.2 or 1.3°C warming, even if all greenhouse emissions were
stopped immediately.To keep global mean temperature below the 2°C
level, we have a very short time window to act.Within no more than one
to two decades, we have to change our energy system to meet this target.
Nuclear power is as radioactive and dangerous as ever. Every part of the
nuclear cycle has unacceptable risks, from the mining of uranium, to the
production of energy, to the unsolved problem of safely transporting and
storing radioactive waste and the threat of nuclear proliferation.Today the
nuclear industry tries to present itself as the solution to climate change in
a massive green-washing drive.To replace one environmental catastrophe,
polluting fossil fuel power, with another environmental disaster, nuclear
energy is clearly not the answer.