l. Type of Employment : Assembler and/or Manufacturing
2. Nationality :
3. Regular Working Hours : ○○ : ○○~○○ : ○○
;Lunch break ○○ : ○○~○○ : ○○ (without pay)
4. Pay Scale
:Payment shall be decided using the following six scales and taking into consideration working attitude, skill and type of work.
○○○yen/hour ○○○yen/hour ○○○yen/hour
○○○yen/hour ○○○yen/hour ○○○yen/hour
5. Payment of Overtime Work or Work on Holidays
:This Payment is based on the employee's hourly scale X 1 .25 for each hour of overtime work or work on holidays. i.e.,( ○○○ X 1.25)
6. Payment of Piece work (per unit work)
:The payment will NOT be paid hourly, but paid according to the number of pieces finished by the employee.
7. Holiday Schedule
a) Sunday ;
b) National holidays ; or
c) Any holidays assigned by the Company.
8. Tax:The income tax shall be paid by the Company.
9. The Lodging :
:The employee shall pay○○○○ yen a month (in advance) for the lodging by the ○○th of each month. The employee is required to provide bedding (comforter, sheets, blankets etc.) and any other daily necessities that may be needed or
:The company will loan to the employee an uniform at NO charge.
11.Transportation Fee
:Will be paid by the Company.
12. Accident Compensation
:In case, the employee suffered an injury from his employment, the Company will pay for treatment.
13. Employment period
:Employment period for temporary and part-time employee is THREE MONTHS. The employment period may be renewable (if the employee is needed) by the President.
NOTE : At time of employment, the Employee shall submit the following documents in accordance with Japanese law and the Company's Regulations.
a) A copy of the employee's passport
b) A signed and dated original "STATEMENT OF PLEDGE AND GUARANTEE"