The Eve of St. Agnes


    • ページ数 : 8ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    “The Eve of St. Agnes” can be said as a boundary work when focusing on the colour purple. This essay will discuss about Keats’s usage of colour purple as the symbolization of mortality, and discover the reason why it started from “The Eve of St. Agnes”. In order to discuss Keats’s meaning of purple in “The Eve of St. Agnes”, understanding the plot and character of this work is necessary. In this chapter, I would like to first explain the importance of dealing with this poem, followed by the analysis of the plot and characters in the aspect of their relationship with colours.
    Amongst the large amount of Keats works, “The Eve of St. Agnes” plays an important role in studying colour and John Keats. There are two reasons. One is the significance of the poem in his life as a poet. The other is his statement of the colourfulness of the poem. The first aspect of importance is that it was written in January and a few days of February in 1819. This is after his trip to the north of England. It is known that he went up to Scotland through the Lake District. This trip to north was made because he wanted to move out from town to country. Keats wrote in his letter to Mr. Haydon in April, 1818;
    I purpose within a Month to put my knapsack at my back and make a pedestrian tour through the North of England, and part of Scotland –to make a sort of Prologue to the Life I intend to pursue –that is to write, to study and to see all Europe at the lowest expense.


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    The Eve of St. Agnes
    "The Eve of St. Agnes" can be said as a boundary work when focusing on the colour purple. This essay will discuss about Keats's usage of colour purple as the symbolization of mortality, and discover the reason why it started from "The Eve of St. Agnes". In order to discuss Keats's meaning of purple in "The Eve of St. Agnes", understanding the plot and character of this work is necessary. In this chapter, I would like to first explain the importance of dealing with this poem,...


