The modern nation-state


    • ページ数 : 2ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    I chose this statement. “The modern nation-state is linked to two primary concepts: sovereignty and nationalism. Find examples of each in operation in international politics today and explain how each provides a cornerstone for contemporary international politics.”
     First I explain about two primary concepts which it is called sovereignty and nationalism.
     The sovereignty is accepted by international law. The Westphalia treaty was concluded as a peace treaty of 30-year war which is religion war. By it, the international framework of power balance which it is called the Westphalia system was produced. And also sovereignty is generally the concept showing the national highest independency since there is no authority which exists above it. Because all the state was equal each other in international law.


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    The modern nation-state
    Individual Activity
    ・Explain about two concepts
    ・For examples : Introduce the nation-states
    ・The Westphalia
    I chose this statement. “The modern nation-state is linked to two primary concepts: sovereignty and nationalism. Find examples of each in operation in international politics today and explain how each provides a cornerstone for contemporary international politics."
    First I explain about two primary concepts which it is called sovereignty...


