Mobile phones


    • ページ数 : 2ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


     A mobile phone has become something of a necessity, and almost of all Japanese young people can’t do without one. Of course, you would also have one.Exactly a mobile phone is very convenient. You can get a lot of information by using internet without computers. For example you can know the weather, map, local information. You can also use mail. You can make appointment with your friends anytime anywhere you want by mailing to them. Mobile phones can be almost substitutes of computers.
    However you have to be careful how you use one.

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    Mobile phones
    A mobile phone has become something of a necessity, and almost of all Japanese young people can't do without one. Of course, you would also have one.Exactly a mobile phone is very convenient. You can get a lot of information by using internet without computers. For example you can know the weather, map, local information. You can also use mail. You can make appointment with your friends anytime anywhere you want by mailing to them. Mobile phones can be almost substitutes of compute...


