

    • ページ数 : 4ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    There is no end to the number of cases in which ethical misconduct is systematically covered up. We can see increasing interest in corporate ethical problems in today`s world. Since the establishment of corporate activity guideline at the 9th Caux Round Table International Conference in 1994, the sense of values and ethics according to the management action of the companies came to be challenged again (Caux Round Table). Afterwards, the management situation requires fair practice of the corporate governance as concept of internal control (Chochrek, 2005). It means, today`s top companies expected merits are not merely confined to wealth creation. This paper gives an overview of compliance and corporate ethics. Two ethics systems as the source of the accomplishment of the corporate social responsibility are considered.
    Compliance is conformity in fulfilling official requirements, and "sustainable compliance is the ability to quickly identify and remediate key issues within a company’s internal controls framework" (SOCJ News, 2005). In the broad sense, it is meant to fulfill Corporate Social Responsibility.....

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    A Formation of Ethical Systems in a Company:
    An Analysis of the Attitudes Towards Ethical Systems in Japanese Companies
    There is no end to the number of cases in which ethical misconduct is systematically covered up. We can see increasing interest in corporate ethical problems in today's world. Since the establishment of corporate activity guideline at the 9th Caux Round Table International Conference in 1994, the sense of values and ethics according to the management action of the companies cam...


