政治学文献研究 まとめ Politics as art of government politicsという言葉は文字通り都市国家を意味するpolisに由来しおり、この中のアテネはしばしば民主政治の発祥の地として描かれる。こういった意味で、「何が政治と関係するのか」と言う点で、ポリスについて言及する事...
The life work of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., was to gain social, political and economic equal-ity for American blacks by peaceful means. For this he was violently attacked by racists, and was assassinated in 1968. 公民権指揮者マーティン・ル...
President Bush announced how Iraq is going to establish a democratic nation by themselves with support from the United States and some other nations in his speech given on January 10th, 2007. The President mentioned some constitutional ideas. Constitutional id...