“Rock ’n’ Roll and America.”
Introduction There are a lot of people in the world who love rock ’n’ roll. Still, many popular rock ’n’ rollers exist. However
550 販売中 2006/01/18
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The Mission
The Mission is the movie about religious, economical, and political power. The first one, religion, is the theme of this movie. Re
550 販売中 2006/01/18
- 閲覧(1,499)
“Black Harvest” by Robin Anderson
Black Harvest is the documentary about Joe Leahy, the Ganiga and the coffee plantation of Kaugum. Joe Leahy is half Australian an
550 販売中 2006/01/18
- 閲覧(1,422)
“American Psycho and Yuppie.”
Introduction The yuppie style was an embarrassment, even to its most ardent practitioners. It was too conformist, too anxiety-ri
550 販売中 2006/01/18
- 閲覧(1,316)
Myth in the Bible: the Book of Joshua
In the Book of Joshua, there are a lot of the attacks and the distribution of the lands to the tribes. Joshua is a successor of M
550 販売中 2005/12/25
- 閲覧(1,219)
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