代表キーワード :: 英文


  • 英文レター見本
  • June 6, 2006 Dear Lisa, Hi! Thank you for your letter. I was really surprised to read it! You were in Guam last week, weren't you? That sounds exciting! I have never been there. How did you like it? Please tell me your trip next time we meet. These days, I go...
  • 550 販売中 2009/01/12
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  • Cover letter
  • Mary 1-2-3 abc, def-shi, Saitama, JAPAN, 300-0000 Mobile: Email: 15th October, 2007 Mr. John Smith Human Resources Department ABC Airlines 8th Floor Daiba Center 2-3-1 Daiba, Minatoku, TOKYO, 100-0000 Dear Mr. Smith; I am writing in response to your adverti...
  • 550 販売中 2009/01/12
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  • 英文レポート ”British pub”
  • British pub Due to uncertain weather, outdoor café and beer garden aren't general in UK. British usually go to a public house when they want to drink with friends. Public house is almost all time called "pub" at the conversation. In pub, you can buy any kind...
  • 550 販売中 2009/01/12
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  • 英文法 第1設題
  • 主語を先行詞にした非限定の関係詞文句と分詞構文とを比較考察しなさい。 主語を先行詞にした非限定の関係詞文句と分詞構文との比較考察を行う上で、まずは、非限定用法の関係詞と分詞構文それぞれについて概観することにする。(「主語を先行詞にした非限定関係詞文句」を理解する...
  • 550 販売中 2008/08/28
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  • 英文を日本語で要約した上で、Gatesに対するあなたの印象を述べなさい。
  • <要約> ビル・ゲイツは、他の誰にもまして、コンピューターの役割を変えた。今日、この「コンピューターおたく」は世界で最も裕福な人の一人であり、その個人財産は、推定180億ドルである。 ゲイツが通っていたレイクサイド高等学校は、生徒も使用できるコンピューターを備えた数...
  • 550 販売中 2008/07/10
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  • Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Darkness He Found I have learned that in Young Goodman Brown there is much more than what I at first expect to be written. Almost everything in the story has meaning. All I have to do is try to find the hints and clues which the writer drops and to manage to p...
  • 550 販売中 2008/02/04
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  • The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe
  • Interpretation and analysis of The Fall of the House of Usher Based on my research, the story was first published in 1839, when Edgar Allan Poe was 30 years old. In that era, the most remarkable event in American society was what we call 'Jacksonian democracy'...
  • 550 販売中 2008/02/04
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  • 日本の校則について(英文)
  • Do Japanese schools have too many rules? What school rules bothered you the most when you were in junior high school and high school? Should school rules in Japan be kept the way they are? I want to say that there are not just too many rules, but also ones t...
  • 550 販売中 2006/10/06
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  • veils worn by Middle Eastern women (全英文)
  • The custom of the veil worn by Middle Eastern women, which represents men’s status as well as women’s wealth, also works as a protection and conceals identity. This custom is beginning to change, but the inequality between the sexes still remains fixed. I w...
  • 550 販売中 2006/07/30
  • 閲覧(1,649) コメント(5)
  • 成功をつかむためには
  • Many people in Japan and other developed countries look to their future with hope. I guess I am one of them. I would indeed like to succeed in one way or another. So what is success? How is it defined? Are there any certifications to prove the winners? Do the ...
  • 550 販売中 2006/07/26
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