Haiti Earthquake: Why is the Catastrophe Happened? On January 12 evening, 2010, a strong earthquake attacked Haiti, a small island country on the Caribbean Ocean. It is reported that over 200,000 people died by this earthquake and the society of Haiti has tota...
中央大学法学部通信教育課程 Word 用レポート原稿用紙(ダウンロード用) 1 / 4 201904-1 (1)英文 In addition the document predicts that climate change will affect industries like construction and tourism which will need to restructure. Transport systems wi...
Chapter? Bangkok – A young backpacker Richard arrived to Bangkok. In the guesthouse, he heard man talking about “The Beach”. Then he found the map pinned to the door. He tried to ask man but, when Richard found him, he was already dead. After Richard l...
中央大学法学部通信教育課程 Word 用レポート原稿用紙(ダウンロード用) 1 / 4 201904-1 (1)英文 The region already faces a witches’ brew of problems that environmentalists say are being worsened by climate change ; coastal erosion, saltwater intrusion ont...
Triggering Factors in the second Russian-Chechen Conflict in 1999 Michael Brown demonstrated in his article, The Causes and Regional Dimensions of Internal Conflict, that one of three main types of conflict driven by internal elite is power struggles. Accordin...
イギリスの大学のサマースクール時代のフィールドワークレポートです。アンケートフォーム(Questionnaire)付属。 <INTRODUCTION> This report describes British houses and gardens that our team has surveyed for two weeks as a topic of our Project while studying at...
3B #37 Rui Liu When asked about the biggest problem in the world today, many people say that it is the serious energy crisis. Though people are afraid that the world will soon run out of fossil fuels, they still use much of fossil fuels in order to satisfy...