Introduction I choose No.1. My title is "advertising and propaganda" Thesis Difference and similarities between advertising and propaganda. Antithesis Propaganda is in older to gain the greatest multitude of support, every means including factual exaggerat...
Alternative Theories and Solutions to the Climate Change Recently people believe that the earth is gradually heating, because greenhouse gas (GHG) in the air has been dense, especially carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted when fossil fuel is burned. On the other hand,...
リポート、学校名:大阪芸術短期大学、学科名:通信課程、保育科 科目名 : 英語II、作成日:平成26年2月、成績:A(優) キーワード=大阪芸短、保育科、リポート、英語2、リポート、第2設題 参考文献:「Let's Learn English from American Literature アメリ...