まず、次の例を見ていただきたい。 a. the sleeping baby (眠っている赤ん坊) b. the sleeping bag (寝袋) c. waiting people (待っている人たち) d. a waiting room (待合室) 上の例を見るとある種の疑問を抱くだろう。それは準動詞において動名詞なのか現在分詞...
2.1 分裂文 ★分裂文とは強調の一つで、(1)、(2)の文はもともと I don`t eat food for the dog. という文でこの文の主語 I や目的語であるfood for the dog に焦点を当てる場合は(2)の文 (2)It is food for the dog that I don`t eat. a. 私が食...
?.次の文中の直接話法を間接話法に書きかえなさい。伝達動詞には下線を引きなさい。(直接話法による原文は割愛致しました。) 解答 A Japanese woman explained that in Japan firms usually make woman promise to leave their jobs when they get married, and that sometimes ...
はじめに、constructionとは、個別言語における、ある文法項目を含んだ文である。または、その文法項目を特徴付けることのできる文である。よって、発話されうる全ての文がconstructionとなりうるのである。例えば、Mary was kissed by John. のような受動文やThere is a book on ...
Has Japan succeeded in realizing sexual equality? Surely, legislation has been passed to bring about sexual equality, but it seems that the true equality has not carried out yet. In other words, most of the ways of thinking in Japan still remains traditional; ...
In recent years, various environmental problems have arisen. This time, I investigated about air pollution. It is the most interested problem for me. I want to explain the cause and measure of air pollution below. Air pollution happens with our social activit...
Now in Japan, the employment rate is on the increase and the unemployment rate is coming down, but the improved situation may be only a faked. More and more companies are eager to hire part-time workers rather than full-time workers today. First, I am goin...