代表キーワード :: 語学


  • The Causes of Illiteracy
  • For the past many years, people have been developed with the letters. Reading and writing was a part of their life. And now, Japan is known as a high literacy country. Japan literacy rate is about 100%. It is a top level in the world. It is the evidence of cul...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/31
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  • NGO
  • December's 9-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami killed at least 156,000 people along the Indian Ocean-- 104,000 in Indonesia, over 30,000 in Sri Lanka, 15,000 in India and more than 5,000 in Thailand. Deaths were also reported in the Maldives, Myanmar...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/31
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  • Impractical English
  • Impractical English. I have been feeling this mortification keenly ever since I entered this university. Of all the diverse people I have met here, returnees and students who have studied abroad are the definitely the most influential for my part. Talking with...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/31
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  • Hello everyone. I will talk about school killing. A few days ago, the 11 years old girl murdered a classmate's girl with the cutter knife in Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture. The cause is considered that the writing to the bulletin board which used the Internet. I ...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/31
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  • Of Mice and Men
  • John Steinbeck, born on February 27, 1902 in Salinas, California, to John Ernst and Olive Hamilton Steinbeck attended Stanford University between 1920 and 1926, but never graduated from Stanford, but instead chose to support himself through manual labor while ...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/31
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  • Kimono
  • Kimono is Japanese cultural symbol. It has characteristic forms, colors and patterns, so it expresses the original values of Japan. First, it has the physical characteristics. Kimono is made of straight line and it covers most of the body as compared clothes o...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/30
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  • The negative influences of television
  • Television has positive influences; however, I think its negative influences are more serious for people. It influences not only their health but also their way of thinking. Since people got own television, their life-styles have been changed considerably. An...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/30
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  • 与格交替の習得について
  • 英語では、「寄付」「供給」「贈呈」など、授与を表す個々の出来事を抽象化し、それを授与事象と呼ぶ。授与事象と結び付く動詞の例としてgiveを挙げることができる。 (1)a. John gave a book to Mary. b. John gave Mary a book. 英語では、(1a)のような第3文型に当たる...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/30
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  • 意味上の「やめる」と「あきらめる」の共通点と相違点
  • 「ヤメル」 <手術が必要な人が><(延命の可能性がある)手術を受けるかどうかを><自らの意思によって><よす> 手術をあきらめる。 ○ 「アキラメル」 <手術が必要な人が><(延命の可能性がある)手術を><受けても(または受ける)見込みがないと判断して><断念す...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/29
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  • 日本語・英語の音韻構造
  • 日本語の音声面での大きな特徴はモーラ(mora)言語であることだ。日本語と英語などの言語とでは単語を文節する単位が違う。英語は音節(syllable)言語であり、moraとは音節よりさらに小さな音声群の単位である。syllable、moraのそれぞれについて詳しくみていく。 syllableとmor...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/28
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  • 中国少数民族と漢族における共通話について
  • 中国は漢族と55個の少数民族からなる多民族国家である。朝鮮族はその55個の少数民族の中の一つである。朝鮮族は中国国内で独自の言語(朝鮮語)を持っていながら漢族との接触を求めて「普通話」を習っている。つまり朝鮮族と漢族の接触における共通語は北京語(関話)を基準とする...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/27
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