代表キーワード :: 語学


  • 位相とことば
  • 今の時代の日本では、天皇と市民でも無い限り、地位に差は無いし、今では男女平等と主張する声の為や、また違った意味で大きな態度をとる女性が増えたせいか、性別によるあらゆる差は無くなってきたように思える。女性でも、僕、俺、などといった一人称を使う人もいるのは事実だ。...
  • 550 販売中 2005/06/21
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  • John is expected to be intelligent. について
  • 【John is expected to be intelligent. について】 この文はいったいどのように特徴付けることができるのだろうか?すなわち、受動文なのか、繰上げ構文なのか、それともどちらでもあるのか、どちらでもないのか? まず、意味を考えてみると、明らかに受身の文、つまり受動文...
  • 550 販売中 2006/02/01
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  • What is the important one?
  • April 25, a train of HUKUCHIYAMA line derailed. This accident happened in the morning and people who were going to school or company were killed or injured. The number of dead people reached 107 and more people were injured. It became a large disaster in the h...
  • 550 販売中 2006/03/15
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  • 動詞的動名詞と名詞的動名詞
  • 動名詞には動詞的動名詞と名詞的動名詞の二つあるとしばしばいわれる。前者のほうは別な言い方で、叙実名詞化形(factive nominal)、後者のほうは行為名詞化形(action nominal)という。それぞれの例文を次のように挙げることにする。 1. a. His rapid drawing of the pictur...
  • 550 販売中 2005/11/10
  • 閲覧(6,415) コメント(17)
  • ジャマイカの歴史
  • Jamaica was discoveried by colonbus,And he asked to Arawaku indian that [What is this island name?] Indian said that [tree and water earth ZAI...
  • 550 販売中 2008/07/14
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  • The Busiest Day
  • We often hear the word "International." If you look up the word in a dictionary, you will find its meaning as having relationships with other countries or so. Today, Japan has a lot of problems which are not only domestic but also related to foreign countries....
  • 550 販売中 2008/10/20
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  • 寅さんについてのエッセー
  • The death of the Japanese actor Kiyoshi Atumi on july 4,1996 was not only the death of a star. Atumi played the character of Torasan in a movie for more than 30 years. Name is “Otoko wa turaiyo”.
  • 1,100 販売中 2005/11/10
  • 閲覧(1,021)
  • リーダー論
  • “Hey, what is it!?” “Oh, it is superman!” he came from the planet Krypton. He can lift even a truck and run faster than a train. So he solved many problems and help people alone. He never asks others for help. He is so cool. His companions have only to loo...
  • 550 販売中 2005/11/11
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  • 安保条約についての考察(英文)
  • I believe we should abolish the Japan-US Security Treaty. There are a lot of problems caused by the treaty. It is a problem in Okinawa that I think to be most serious among them. Okinawa is the only place which experienced being a battlefield in Japan during...
  • 550 販売中 2006/10/06
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  • living in homestay
  • Living in a homestay has a lot of advantages, but there are also some disadvantages. Some people prefer living in a homestay because they want to know the culture of the country; meanwhile others prefer living in a flat because they think the cost and freedom ...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/26
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  • How to teach English in English
  • 1. It’s time to go. It’s time we left. Form It’s time to go. It is time + infinitive of main verb Infinitive used for weak obligation It’s time we left. It is time + subject + past simple form of main verb Subjunctive past (Hypothesizing second...
  • 550 販売中 2006/01/22
  • 閲覧(972)
  • 二重目的語構文と与格構文の書き換えの問題点
  • 英語の問題を解くときに、書き換えの問題をよく目にする。しかし、大学の入試問題や高校の入試問題などで以前に比べて書き換えの問題数が劇的に減ってしまった。これにはとうぜんいくつかの理由があるのだが、大きくいえることは書き換えるということがまったく同じ文を生み出すと...
  • 550 販売中 2006/05/29
  • 閲覧(3,361) コメント(23)